Use the phone, and select the "Extras" option, then choose the "Cheats" selection. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Achievements and auto save are disabled when cheats are activated. However, you are still allowed to manually save while cheats are enabled at saints row 4 General Cheats
- repaircar - Repair Car
- goodygoody - No Police Notoriety
- oops - No Gang Notoriety
- notrated - Bloody Mess (bodies explode)
- vroom - No Car Damage
- goldengun - One-hit kills
- lolz - Increase Gang Notoriety
- pissofpigs - Increase Police Notoriety
- cheese - Give Cash ($100,000)
- whatitmeanstome - Give Respect
- fryhole - Heavenbound
- runfast - Infinite Sprint
- goody goody - No Cop Notoriety
- oops - No Gang Notoriety
Vehicle Cheats
- givemunicipal - Spawn a Municipal
- givephoenix - Spawn a Phoenix
- givequasar - Spawn a Quasar
- givetaxi - Spawn a Taxi
- giveembulance - Spawn a Ambulance
- giveanchor - Spawn a Anchor
- giveattrazione - Spawn a Attrazione
- givebootlegger - Spawn a Bootlegger
- givechallenger - Spawn a Challenger
- givecommander - Spawn a Commander
- givecondor - Spawn a Condor
- giveeagle - Spawn an Eagle
- giveestrada - Spawn an Estrada
- givegatmobile - Spawn a Gatmobile
- givekanada - Spawn a Kanada
- givekenshin - Spawn a Kenshin
- giveknoxville - Spawn a Knoxville
- givekobra - Spawn a Korbra
- givekrukov - Spawn a Krukov
- givemiami - Spawn a Miami
- givenforcer - Spawn an Nforcer
- givepeacemaker - Spawn a Peacemaker
- givereaper - Spawn a Reaper
- repaircar - Spawn a Repaircar
- giverpg - Spawn a RPG
- givesandstorm - Spawn a Sandstorm
- givesatchel - Spawn a Satchel Charge
- giveshark - Spawn a Shark
- givesheperd - Spawn a Sheperd
- givespectre - Spawn a Spectre
- givestatusquo - Spawn a Status Quo
- givetitan - Spawn a Titan
- givetoad - Spawn a Toad
- givetornado - Spawn a Tornado
- givevortex - Spawn a Vortex
- givevtol - Spawn a VTOL
- givevulture - Spawn a Vulture
- givewidowmaker - Spawn a Widowmaker
- givewoodpecker - Spawn a Woodpecker
Weapon Cheats
- letsrock - All Weapons
- givecyber - Cyberdestructor
- givegrenade - Grenade
- givechainsaw - Chainsaw
- giveminigun - Minigun
- givemolotov - Molotov
- giveairstrike - Air Strike
- givedrone - Drone
- giverpg - RPG
- givesatchel - Satchel
- givekrukov - K-8 Krukov
- giveultimax - As3 Ultimax
- givehammer - Hammer
- givetek - Tek Z-10
- giveapoca - Apocafists
Weather Cheats
- clearskies- Sunny weather
- overcast- Cloudy weather
- lightrain- Rainy weather
- heavyrain - Very stormy weather
Pedestrian Cheats
- dui - Drunk pedestrians
- hohoho - Pedestrians become pimps and prostitutes
- mascot - Pedestrians become mascots
- brains - Pedestrians become zombies
Cheat | Result | |
cheese | Puts $100k in your pockets. This cheat can be spammed multiple times in a row | |
letsrock | Gives you a full load-out of randomized weapons | |
goodygoody | Removes the Notoriety from you at any time | |
runfast | Your super-sprint doesn't exhaust your Stamina | |
fryhole | All of the dead bodies lying around start to raise up into the air | |
vroom | Indestructible cars | |
isquishyou | All cars can now drive over other cars like tanks. NOTE: This can only be turned off by reloading a clean save | |
hohoho | This makes all of the pedestrians either pimps or prostitutes | |
mascot | All pedestrians turn into mascots | |
evilcars |
Makes all of the cars on the road target you and start attacking you
| |
ascii | Enables ascii mode, where all gameplay is made of computer-characters. |
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