Badge Pursuit ChallengeSearch the indicated locations to find all 20 hidden shields and complete the Badge Pursuit Challenge to get the Button Man outfit. This is bonus DLC for players that pre-ordered from GameStop/GAME.
1. Grauman's Theater: As you face the theater, there is the large red carpet. There are two small red carpets; one on each side of the entrance to the theater. The badge is on the left small carpet.
2. Hotel Roosevelt: In the front door area on the street.
3. Max Factor Building: Drive a car through the fenced in area; it is on the ground by the dumpster.
4. Musso And Franks: Around back in the parking lot under the green awning entrance.
5. Crossroads To The World: As you look at the main central attraction, walk forward, and there is a small path to the other side a few feet in. The badge is in the middle of this path.
6. West Lake Tar Pits: On the porch of the small white building by the tar pits.
7. LA County Art Museum: As you face the front of the Museum, go to the right to the Staff Parking area. Hug the building, and take the first left down a thin hedge lined path that ends in a metal staircase. The badge is in front of these stairs.
8. Bullocks Wilshire: Enter the atrium, and go down the set of stairs on the left. The badge is at the bottom.
9. Intolerance Set: When you fast travel to this location, you are placed in front of a gate. Drive your car through the gate to get inside. Then, go in the right hallway, turn left, and go down some stairs. The badge is in this narrow hall.
10. Macarthur Park: On a barrel by the paddle boats.
11. Los Angeles Examiner: On the corner of a planter in the back left of the building.
12. Rko Theater: On the ground at the main entrance in front of a movie poster.
13. LA Public Library: In the back there is a pipe you can climb. Get on some scaffolding to get to the main roof area. Go left to find two large cylinder tanks on both sides of a platform. Jump up on that platform to find the badge.
14. Pershing Square: There is an old railway car turned into a diner. The badge is on the condiment table beside it.
15. Hall Of Records: Go inside to find it on the right side of the reception desk.
16. Union Station: Go in the front door, and take a left. It is on the third ticket booth from the right.
17. Chinatown: In the far west side of Chinatown, between two statues in a narrow alleyway.
18. Angels Flight: Under the tracks on the bottom side.
19. 4Th Street Viaduct: Go underneath, and at the canal there is a center support with a ladder. The badge is on top.
20. Main Street Terminal: Up on the tracks in front of the red subway car.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
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