Cheat Code | Name | What it does | Requirements |
Abundance is the dullest desire | Infinite Ammo | Gain infinite ammo | – Located in New Hanover Gazette No. 27, purchased in Valentine during Chapter 1. |
Greed is American Virtue | You will receive 1x Pump-Action Shotgun 1x Bolt Action Rifle 1x Mauser Pistol 1x Semi-Automatic Pistol in your inventory | – Available after completing the “Advertising, the New American Art” Chapter 3. | |
A simple life, a beautiful death | Basic Weapons | Spawns a loadout of basic weapons | None |
Death is silence | Stealth Weapons | Spawns a loadout of stealth weapons – | , , , , .None |
I shall be better | Set Dead Eye Level [3] | Allows you to set your level of Deadeye skill to Rank 3 | None |
I seek and I find | Set Dead Eye Level [5] | Allows you to set your level of Deadeye skill to Rank 5 | None |
You flourish before you die | Set Health, Stamina, and Dead Eye Bars to Full | Completely Restores all bars for Health, Stamina, and Dead Eye | None |
You Seek More Than The World Offers | Fortify Health, Stamina and Dead Eye Bars | Completely Restores and Fortify all bars for Health, Stamina, and Dead Eye | – Purchasable after completing the “The King’s Son” Chapter 06. |
You Long for Sight but See Nothing | Fog of War | Reveals entire map | – Purchasable after completing the “Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern” Chapter 3. |
Run! Run! Run! | Create Race Horse | Instantly Spawns a | None |
You are a beast built for war | Create War Horse | Instantly Spawns a | – Purchasable after completing the events of the Epilogue. |
You want more than you have | Create a Superior Horse | Spawns a Superior Horse | None |
Keep your dreams simple | Create Wagon | Instantly Spawns a Wagon with one horse | None |
Would you be happier as a clown? | Create Circus Wagon | Instantly Spawns a Circus Wagon | – Purchasable after completing the events of the Epilogue. |
Virtue Unearned is not virtue | High Honor | Raises Honor rating | – Purchasable a newspaper after completing the “Urban Pleasures” Chapter 04. |
Balance. All is balance | Reset Honor | Reduces your Honor Meter to neutral | None |
Better than my dog | Increase Horse Whistle Range | You can call your horse from any distance | None |
A fool on command | Drunk | Instantly makes you drunk | None |
The lucky be strong evermore | Infinite Stamina | Unlimited Stamina | – TBD |
Vanity. All is vanity | Own All Outfits | Unlocks all outfits | None |
You want punishment | Increase Wanted Level | Raises your current wanted rating | None |
You want freedom | Decrease Wanted Level | Lowers your current wanted rating | None |
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
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» Red dead Redemption 2 cheat code
Red dead Redemption 2 cheat code
Categories: Cheat Code
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