Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Red dead Redemption 2 cheat code

Cheat CodeNameWhat it doesRequirements
Abundance is the dullest desireInfinite AmmoGain infinite ammoNewspaper Requirement – Located in New Hanover Gazette No. 27, purchased in Valentine during Chapter 1.
Greed is American VirtueHeavy WeaponsYou will receive
1x Pump-Action Shotgun
1x Bolt Action Rifle
1x Mauser Pistol
1x Semi-Automatic Pistol in your inventory
Newspaper Requirement – Available after completing the “Advertising, the New American Art” Chapter 3.
A simple life, a beautiful deathBasic WeaponsSpawns a loadout of basic weaponsNone
Death is silenceStealth WeaponsSpawns a loadout of stealth weapons – MacheteThrowing KnivesPoison KnivesTomahawksHoming Tomahawks.None
I shall be betterSet Dead Eye Level [3]Allows you to set your level of Deadeye skill to Rank 3None
I seek and I findSet Dead Eye Level [5]Allows you to set your level of Deadeye skill to Rank 5None
You flourish before you dieSet Health, Stamina, and Dead Eye Bars to FullCompletely Restores all bars for Health, Stamina, and Dead EyeNone
You Seek More Than The World OffersFortify Health, Stamina and Dead Eye BarsCompletely Restores and Fortify all bars for Health, Stamina, and Dead EyeNewspaper Requirement – Purchasable after completing the “The King’s Son” Chapter 06.
You Long for Sight but See NothingFog of WarReveals entire mapNewspaper Requirement – Purchasable after completing the “Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern” Chapter 3.
Run! Run! Run!Create Race HorseInstantly Spawns a Race HorseNone
You are a beast built for warCreate War HorseInstantly  Spawns a War HorseNewspaper Requirement – Purchasable after completing the events of the Epilogue.
You want more than you haveCreate a Superior HorseSpawns a Superior HorseNone
Keep your dreams simpleCreate WagonInstantly Spawns a Wagon with one horseNone
Would you be happier as a clown?Create Circus WagonInstantly Spawns a Circus WagonNewspaper Requirement – Purchasable after completing the events of the Epilogue.
Virtue Unearned is not virtueHigh HonorRaises Honor ratingNewspaper Requirement – Purchasable a newspaper after completing the “Urban Pleasures” Chapter 04.
Balance. All is balanceReset HonorReduces your Honor Meter to neutralNone
Better than my dogIncrease Horse Whistle RangeYou can call your horse from any distanceNone
A fool on commandDrunkInstantly makes you drunkNone
The lucky be strong evermoreInfinite StaminaUnlimited StaminaNewspaper Requirement – TBD
Vanity. All is vanityOwn All OutfitsUnlocks all outfitsNone
You want punishmentIncrease Wanted LevelRaises your current wanted ratingNone
You want freedomDecrease Wanted LevelLowers your current wanted ratingNone

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